Wednesday, April 21, 2010

my bloody ragnarok alternative class ideas

i assume the third classes are boring crap.
i haven't played any of them yet, nor know much of them.

i'm thinking of how they could become stronger and put their skills to a real use.


concept: a knight quick in movement strikes down enemies in his way with strong attack skills.
his sword strikes down all who stands in his way as he must complete his sacred mission.
i don't know about why swordsman characters all quit using the pecopeco.

grand lord

concept: wields 2 handed items in one hand sweeping away at enemies that come up to him
he's extremely heavy so he's unaffected like things like knock back and he is unable to ride beasts.
in battle they call great quakes, scarring the earth

8 arms, spider/insect demon, fang demon,

concept: grabs enemies and slashes and stabs them causing internal damage and making many infected bleeding wounds. quick in fleeing and catching.
eat away at a paralyzed foe, draining their strength

crime lord

Concept: labels enemies and controls wealth. advanced stealing and other underhanded tactics.
such as returning damage and after effects when he is defeated, damaged, hit with magic, hit with status, or pushed back.
Great riches are brought to them, even objects of gods.

burst mage

concept: he becomes possessed by various spirits of different natures allowing him to do many different things unknown. he doesn't have much control after he becomes possessed and this state can't wear off until mp runs out, the spirit gets bored, or the spirit is forced out.
chaotic spirits possesses him and the true strength of the elements rush though their hands.Elemental energy freely flows through them, uncontrollable.

summoner. element creator

concept: 4 new elements which cover more resistances and weaknesses, he forces characters to use specific elements defensively and offensively which become unchangeable by the character who had this casted on them. like the professor, they work with mages, as well as independently. this may be the class i have thought the most least about. maybe again, in the shadow of the alternative class.
attacks are wave like and spread out.
these attacks are auto like and element depends on element of the attack that hit them.
elemental mastery summons great spirits, overflowing with strength.

burden master

concept: strong arms and body and great stamina from carrying things and protecting his friends.
he uses his fists and hammer and has the abilities of push back and tackles, throws.
the hammer destroy and creates, and he himself created and destroyed many things.
he was trusted with the treasures his friend found and his arms grew great.

life constructor, heretic, sinner, sin creator

concept: transforms various parts of his body into gruesome shapes to gain terrifying abilities.
also has the ability to transform landscape.
he read of monsters created and destroyed.
he studied the work of gods and devils.
he carved up bodies and held their beating hearts.
he learned he could be stronger if he forgot his humanity.
he came up with the ability to transform himself into a monster capable of great destruction.

beast master

concept: tames and uses various animals in battle, supportively and offensively.
uses hunter bees, flies, ants, double falcons, bees, raccoons, wolves, and other beasts.
a rival to the insect based assassin.
he eats with them and learns of how they live life.
his arrows started to create lives instead of taking them.
his arrows followed paths only they could pass.


concept: instead of music, they recite poems which summon characters from famous stories and history.
works with soul they deal with great characters from history. i wanted a more serious character instead of someone playful or for cheap entertainment. they are able transform temporarily into a romantic knight with the fortune teller's fortune the hero in the world of awakening darkness where he would learn "heroism" skills using swords.
he remembers the words of the stories of the past, he recalls the stories of heroes and summon their strength.

fortune teller

concept: instead of dances, she foretells fortunes which summons the forces of nature, although she can't really control which force is summoned. she can control then in a way by not having the same fortune twice or choosing a certain force not to be summoned. there other fortunes as well that do other things other than elemental damage. she is able to enter a state or temporary class called sword or battle princess, which uses swords, axes, daggers, or special martial arts develop for high ranking dancers and gypsies. she would able to dual wield these bladed weapons.
she works with star gladiator as she deals with fortunes using the sun, moon and stars, as well she learns some martial arts from this character. poet's princess of battle allows her to change into her other form.
she reads the flow of the universe and predicts the horrors of nature and the fate of the world.

this temporary job change may be still be active even after log out until another poet/fortune teller/npc/self targetting skill deactivates it.
i haven't played these jobs much and i don't know how they are supposed to manage damage as some of them are full support and some battle focused (that sounds impossible)
supposedly an equipment or buff or effect of the temporary job, would half dex and int and add those points into str and agility automatically. but there would not be much diversity and "player" control of stats.
supposedly these characters would be specifically made for WoE which i never been a part of.

faith leader

concept: he is much more offensive in nature despite being half or a quarter supportive.
he has a small range of holy active attack skills, as well a few fire and water spells. perhaps a couple lighting spells. he has a wave like attack like summoner.
channeling god, he leads all onto great path of light.they began to travel and teach new followers and with their own light, they create paths.


concept: he focuses energy into his surroundings making it connecting his soul to an area so he can fully control the movement of the area. I call it God's Arena or something awesome and cool like that.
he developed this ability while protecting spirits of nature and spirits of the dead.
he can do things like deflect a percentage of projectiles, block attacks with his body, and lessen the damage to friendly entities in the area. The limit is that he is capable of using stronger skills within the area. The smaller area he creates "God's Arena", the stronger he becomes.
his strength at it's peak, he searches for it's use. if he focused, he could protect.

and these are my ideas for specialized jobs of the other classes, well, the ninja and gunslinger.
pierce demon - gun specialist
demolitionist, explosives expert, - explosives expert
blossom dragon, moonlight blossom - magical ninja
cold edge, metal falcon, ninja of metal rain- weapons ninja

ALSO: more classes uses familiars like the alchemist and hunter
ninja, guardian, summoner
i'm reminded of the official art of the high wizard with a matyr.

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