Monday, April 26, 2010

drawings 4: more design and normal characters

hunter character with a special magical bow that i imagined.
bow has gourds attached to the spine or something
and when he shoots his bow, arrows made of wind shoot out of these gourds.
triple quivers may seem a bit much but whatever
villager holding a torch that would burn his hand.
this image says something funny.
burn the non believer.
a jacket design that i thought would look cool which i have no concept of.
i wanted something with a camo pattern.
knight with green armor, i'm not sure people have colored their metal armor.
legs looks weird. i mean crappy, they look crappy.
and maybe torso is too thin, and locations of arms suck.
i make up armor shapes and design, so they aren't very functional or realistic.

stealth update
i need to look up what i named them.

i want to make sure i don't forget them.

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