Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Story 3

I want to know the person I can be the most happiest with,
You can tell me that right?

I have the the ability to find the answer to this, yes.

50 bucks right?
Now tell me.

A moment.
(You've summoned me once again human.
(I've been listening.
That person...that person...you will meet that person in a week.
(...Are you listening? 
(That's not what I said.


It will be a place that you have never been before.
(...so then...
But you will meet the person once again at the place you like most being there.
(You won't give him the truth...
Do you wish to know more?

*he smiles*
Let me think for a moment.

Take as much time as you need.
(You know...

Oh, I got it, tell me one thing about the person,
Something small,
I want every moment with this person to be special.

Reveal a point.
(You often do these things...
...that person likes the sea.
(that I don't understand...
(that person actually likes the night sky...

The sea...

You may ask one more question.
(What if...

This is the most important question.

(He meets this person you describe...

I've always thought about this when I thought about the other person.

(...he won't find the happiness he seeks.

Tell me how I can make this person happy.

(By simply being with them.
To make that person happy...
(Tell him the truth, that person would be happy...
You should take them...
(No matter...
to see the world...
(Why are you lying to him?
Are you satisfied with these answers?

...I am.
I feel like...
I can trust you.

I get this special feeling...
When I hear your words...

Your words satisfy me a great deal...

...Thank you.

*he smiles*
Sure thing.
thank you very much.
*he extends his hand*

(his hands are warm...
I hope you find this person.

*he smiles again*
*he leaves*

(So are we done?
(Return me to my world.
(What is it?
I command you to use your magic.
(..for this human?
Such threads that connect souls,
of the many, the threads which are
most thick and of strongest color.
(This magic you want me to use...
With a blade made of a fragment of my soul,
I cut.
(This is the first time...
(You asked me to directly use my powers.
Reconnect these threads to a person of my words.
(This was the real reason...
A person he shall meet within the bounds of next week,
at a place he has never been.
A person he shall meet again
at a place he is most comfortable.
(You first sought my power isn't?
A person who loves the ocean,
A person who will be happy when they see the world with him.
And finally...
A person that will make him most happy...
With this needle made of a second shard of my soul.
I mend these cut threads.

(Human who summoned me...
(When the the night sky...
(Was most beautiful...
(with use of my power, it is done.

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