Saturday, May 15, 2010

drawings 14: dwarf fortress, fortress designs

I fucking cheated while playing dwarf fortress so these designs are possibly not optimal.
most of you buttheads just do shitty geometric fortress designs anyway (go fall off a cliff!)

work with the fucking terrain, dwarves have the intelligence of how to create their homes in these hard and heavy mountains so they don't fucking force the shit into utter chaos and destruction.
i know them as warrior like, barbaric, brash, un-noble like, honorable, prideful, technicians, mechanics, engineers, war artisans, historians, hard working and possibly importantly, jolly.
so their fucking keeps are fucking organized and stylized like fuck instead of fucking geometric fuckoff fucking unintelligent as fuck designs.
they fucking dedicate their lives to their art.
structures fucking superior to any work of human hand.
such genius work of their include but are not limited to flood gates, bridges, water pumps, wind mills, water wheels, pressure places, elevators, battering rams, explosives.

anyway, one thing i remember i drew long ago, something i think i threw away, is a dark street colored by crayons. it was colorful, dark, and lonely.
anyway, whatever.
fortress design 3, i drew the trade depot area first.
multiple storage rooms around the depot room
i can simply lock doors so only certain things show up in the bring-to-depot screen making selecting what to haul to depot faster.
i drew more up more sections than i did before such as a hospital area and a barracks area.

i never actually tried to make this in dwarf fortress as i mess up in the beginning, just building upon the super simple area i build for my first 7 dwarves.
i also try to build sections of my fortress on multiple floors. 1 floor in between because i feel as if the wall of the first floor and the floor of the second floor is about 1 foot thick in between.
i don't even know how thick it normally is in buildings.
design 2, focus on artsy designs, ponds/river/stream of water lining the entrance, one of those stone man made pond thingies, and a "royal" area. the royal area is to be larger and be more artsy than other rooms and areas.

the first design for a fortress i drew. everything is compressed and flat.
below are cliff waterfall designs, i was gonna carve ditches onto the top of the cliff and the bottom of the cliff and pump water up so they flow into these thingies.
i hate explaining this like crap.
i'm super lazy now.
i'll just list, top to bottom, 2 columns
center waterfall in circular staircase with a hollow center
wall protrusions for center hall
statue organization
circular rooms of awesomeness with halls.
hanging pillars
circular center hall
cliff entrance.

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