Planning and Organization
chapter 6 title: A Broken Weapon
end of regan talking to adam before thin demon
pre thin demon
alerted to thin demon somehow
thin demon wanted to regain some of his strength
something weak and defenseless
thin demon is noticably weakened
fight with thin demon
strong but limited magic and stamina
at defeat, body and area must be clear as it's hazardous
plan and actions after thin demon
someone weakened the demon
from which direction did it come from?
what reason was it not killed completely?
regan asks the that the soldiers confident enough to die for their country to come with them
confident in their strength
they following the trail of demon blood
could use professional scouts to seem more competent but i'm not imaginative.
chapter 5 ends when they follow the thin demon's blood trail
at the abandoned fortress, finding the bottom floor
simple back story of why the fortress is abandoned and left to decay (cursed, bandits)
deep in forest,
it's getting dark so there is a need for light
the soldiers split into groups of three to search the fortress
eventually they find a staircase deep in the fortress, hidden just slightly.
on the final floor, it was thought it was a throne room
but corrected to be the location of a prison.
noxious gas emanates from the cracks where the tall metal doors meet the cool stone ground.
the soldiers are prepared for such conditions are use a potion or plant.
the gas weakens senses and causes hallucinations, warping the mind
the room is dimly lit by odd candles
can't use fire as a light source as effects with the demonic gases in unknown.
enemy encounter
they enter a large room in the prison
introduced to the competent enemy
demons are inside cages
pieces of demons lay scattered
shards of faded intricate ornate weapons lay on the ground
various brutish fighters leaning against the blood stained walls
fight with leader frost fiend, black armed
attack above average
defense average
magic average
resist average
speed above average
frost fiend
attack below average
defense below average
magic above average
resist above average
speed average
black armed
attack absurd
defense absurd
magic terrible
resist average
speed terrible
focus on the summoners escaping
teleportation magic does not exist but created secret passages do.
some summoners are slain
leader reprimands his less intelligent posse
frost fiend and black armed die, leader destroys their weapons
leader unable to finish fight
adam down about losing his weapon
adam purchases an axe which he can't use well
attacks are less effective and as well as elemental enchanting
adam is more used to using a sword
axes are more fickle with enchanting elements
aces do have stronger attack power
he obtains a light or dark dagger
include somewhere what happened to the holy weapons
holy weapons become brittle and easily break when used for unjust purposes.
adam's weapon was of an uncommon quality as he received it from achieving a high rank when he was a swordsman/knight.
adam can't fight but reinforcements come at the most crucial moment but the enemy manages to escape.
regan apologizes to adam about his broken weapon and gives him what little money regan carries on his person
regan takes a spare weapon from one of his knights and pursues the enemy.
adam returns to the inn where cayn waited for him and tells cayn to leave him alone as he goes to his bed.
in the morning adam sells the scraps of his broken weapon and purchases a decent axe, a common shortsword.
I was gonna involve something about a dark or light attribute dagger but w/e.
Draft and Events Written Out
***need to somehow lead into thin demon fight
? - questions to ask
# - potential action
& - dialogue
#a large creature blacker than the night, destroys the roof of a nearby building.
$a creature has entered the town! where is the town guard?!
$that doesn't matter right now, that thing needs to taken care of!
?keep it it town or make it leave the town?
?leaving the town would make it easier to escape
?keeping it in the town allows the soldiers to capture it and learn what it is
#lead the creature to a location in the town where it would have trouble escaping!
thin demon uses black bolt
adam 58 regan 63 soldier 56 soldier 52
& you shall be my final entertainment
& you won't me regain my strength will you?
& this isn't very fair for me.
& give me a bite.// bad.
& die for me... i hunger for some flesh...
adam attacks 78 damage
this thing must die here.
regan attacks 72 damage.
soldier attacks 56 damage
soldier attacks 63 damage.
thin demon attacks with his claws. attack misses.
the thin demon uses just normal physical attacks, missing fairly often, seriously injuring regan
and out of energy and strength, the thin demon slumps down and lays still.
r: what a grisly enemy...
a: It was weakened before we got to it. there isn't many things that can injure a demon.
maybe the thin demon killed what it was fighting.
the thin demon wouldn't as hungry as it was if it did.
the demon looks like it hasn't eaten anything and he has many other old wounds that seem like he has been tortured.
It must have been escaping from something.
we don't know who did this to it, it might not be even human.
alert the town, there might be more than 1 demon.
message needs to be sent to the (military structure of higher ups) that a demon has appeared.
Captain Regan, it has left a a trail of blood.
? - what rank was adam, what rank should regan be?
We need someone to stay in the town and make sure that the blood isn't touched.
we should be able to follow it and know which direction it came from.
it might've been pursued and maybe it's pursuers stopped when it entered the town.
it might be even possible that it isn't the only one around.
ensure the safety of the town!
summon a group to keep watch of the body to make sure it stays here.
don't go near it and don't let anyone touch it as demons expel many different
strong gases and liquids and even curses when they're dead.
those who have confidence in their combat ability may accompany us on following the trail the demon has left us.
trail leads them deep into the woods, far from town, to an abandoned fortress that many bandits and vagabonds have chosen to occupy and
settle in. it is now dark and the soldiers bring out their light sources.
***work to create setting and work into exploring the fortress and finding the staircase
*this is bloody hell to think hard and write well about.
non fire light sources which give off weaker light
unknown what fire and vile gases mixing might do
This smell... it's so vile...
don't breathe it in, it will destroy your senses, your will and your strength.
this smell is from the rotting corpses of rotting demons.
-how do you know?
...that's not important right now.
I assume everyone has purifying root or warding potion.
swallow it and you'll be mostly safe from the effects for abut 2 hours.
if you have some spare, share them with the group
those who don't will become a liability, go back upstairs and station yourselves at various points in the fortress.
i'm strongly certain the enemy will attempt to flee and some will be successful.
the faces of the soldiers are mostly full of fear but some bear faces of strong will and courageousness
be prepared. support each other.
we don't know what we'll be facing be be prepared to fight or run.
*ranged and magic users?
Regan: Open the doors.
a voice echoes: ah..., they have arrived sooner than expected.
so you have slain the escapee haven't you?
many bodies of demons and people were scattered in this large room.
behind the bars and inside the cages are demons snarling madly but seemingly with no vitality.
Strong warriors in dark armor are hidden in the shadows, leaning against the walls stained with blood.
regan: what is this?!
voice: can't you see? we're killing demons.
the men in the shadows laugh.
regan: everyone disarm and subdue everyone here.
deadly force is authorized on those who won't go down peacefully.
voice: oh that won't be possible at all.
make sure the summoners escape, they are priority.
if any of you run away before they do, you'll pay the well known consequences of course~
men in shadows: *urk* we'll protect them! (hurry up) (stand up!) (take out your weapon!)
Adam: the leader might be strongest one here. Lets focus on capturing him regan.
Regan: right.
enemy leader: hohohoh, i've already said that's impossible.
well, come on then.
entertain me for a while.
Ice Fiend and Black Armed, come join me.
A tall white demon emitting icy mist and a large brutish demon with large arms appear.
enemy leader: let this fight be fun for you as well.
My name is Irvine.
*The enemy leader is very competent, more competent than common enemies
he is more like at end story strength.
Adam attacks Irvine.
Black armed blocks, black armed takes 46 damage.
how could these demons fight with you?
the demons don't really much care if we slay their kind.
it is a common occurrence for them as with you having a meal.
ice demon unleashes a shower of ice shards
adam 48 damage
regan 42 damage
soldier 63 damage
it seems we can only attack the ice demon right now.
irvine attacks adam with his black bone knuckles.
adam takes 82 damage!
Adam attacks! leader takes 76 damage!
Regan attacks! frost demon takes 68 damage!
nameless soldier attacks! frost demon takes 71 damage!
black armed attacks! nameless soldier takes 86 damage!
leader?: you people are doing pretty well~~~
have the summoners escaped yet?
two of them were struck down by these assholes
we killed them back at least.
*swearing might be a bit too much
you fucking idiots, one summoner is worth more than any of your fucking hides.
now the order will be even more reluctant to give us more.
sorry boss.
just destroy those "things" and then we can go.
demons are defeated
Irvine congratulates regan and adam.
but says enough is enough and gets extremely serious.
Thalum, creature of decay, imbue my knuckles to erode steel.
*maybe creature name should have more significance
Regan's and Adam's weapons get destroyed
Irvine unable to finish them of as it would be easy for him to do but escaping takes priority for some reason
Regan apologizes to Adam about his weapon
Regan takes a spare weapon that one of his subordinate carries and gives Adam what little money that Regan usually carries for whatever reason
Regan says until we meet again and runs off chasing the escaping criminals
Adam picks up the remnants of his weapon in old cloth he finds somewhere and heads back to the town where he left Cayn at the Inn.
enemy leader uses 2 different weapons including strong black bone knuckles
*multi weapon concept
Enemy leader is left with both demons defeated.
each party member at half health
leader quickly slays a nameless soldier.
I'm impressed you guys have lasted so long. but this fight ends here.
*enchants with thalum
This is...forbidden magic.
of course I'm more powerful than all these stupid rats.
i am to make sure that strong people like you get killed.
Regan Attacks! Weapon destroyed.
I excel at close combat if you already didn't know that and if you were to lose your weapons...
I'd can easily overwhelm you.
enemy leader attacks!
regan takes severe damage.
regan coughs up blood.
Adam: I...I can't attack or defend...
st-stay behind me regan. I'll think of something.
no you won't. Your lives are already mine.
Enemy Attacks! Adam's weapon is destroyed
so you two are the strongest in this pathetic attack huh?...
It'll be my pleasure to take your lives.
and leader is forced to escape for some reason.
demons: oh how beautiful~, you humans have become so horrible.
It won't be much longer until this place can become more bearable for us demons~
it looks like they were summoning demons to slay...
*that's unusual.(boring like hell)
common normal thing to think is that they wanted pieces of the demons to make something
could be made into various magical items and powerful potions and powerful spells
but meaning must be more deep (not that i know of it yet or ever will)