Monday, September 17, 2012

green mage ch. 5 pt.1: Demon Blood (needs more work)

Green Mage Chapters

Previous Chapter: 4.2: Brilliant Light

I've left in some author's notes which are dumb.

   Adam and Cayn are sitting at a table outside of a restaurant
   Adam looks over the through the busy crowd of townspeople in the streets of the market district to a group of similarly armored knights talking to a distressed shop owner.
   Cayn: What is it?
   Adam: I'm guessing that there was a burglary.
   Cayn: How can you tell?
   Adam: The armored people there are known as the Red Guard of Cygnus, the Benra Order. They would only be in a place like this if there was something serious going on.
   Cayn: I see.
   Adam: They are the soldiers that keep order in this country. They are a powerful order that keeps this country stable. The major force that keeps dangerous forces in check.
   Cayn: So they're quite important then.
   Cayn eats a small tomato on his plate.
   Adam: ...Here, take this, this is enough gold to purchase what you will need for our next venture. This should also cover the food when you get hungry, other than that, find something to keep yourself busy for today. I might be back by the end of the day. I'll meet you back at the inn.
   Cayn: Huh, wait, where are you going?
   Adam: I'm going to learn more about the situation. It is better to know about these things than not. See you later.
   Cayn: I'll continue reading the magic books. Take care.
*(this conversation needs to be a bit longer. develop the characters and their relationship dynamic)
*(what kind of knowledge does cayn possess? what does he know of the world?)

-- Adam leaves the table and heads toward the knights --

*(need to understand natural conversation as hard as possible)
*(what recognizable changes do Regan and Adam see in each other after not having seen eachother for alength of time?)

*(Adam first initiates the conversation with a few questions to which Regan answers. Then Regan asks some questions. Their conversation continues for a while into the guard house of the town. Adam and Regan catch up to now.)
Regan - investigation
Adam - travelling to
Regan being the captain of the squad
Adam from Benra Order

   Adam: Regan, Long time no see.
   Regan: Ah, Adam, it really has been a long time. How are you?
   Adam: I've been doing well enough, what are you doing in this town?
   Regan: My squad has been dispatched to this town to investigate a theft.
   Adam: Just a theft?
   Regan: What was stolen is the pressing reason, Holy weapons. Holy weapons are disappearing from rare collections and armories all over Cygnus.
  Adam: Just holy weapons?
  Regan: Though other items are being stolen with these weapons, the rarest of weapons, the most heavily protected and kept secret of weapons seem to be the main focus on these thefts.

(enemy group makes it obvious that they only want holy weapons
they don't do this if they simply strip what they can with holy weapons.

   Adam:  I'm currently travelling to a village that requested some help. I've been to that village before and so I thought do what I can.
   Regan: Hmm. So you turned to quest work after leaving the guard?
   Adam: I'm apparently suited for it. I'm not someone to become a guard of a lord or town. Now then, what are you doing here?
   Regan: The usual burglary investigation. Holy weaponry have been disappearing all around Cygnus. Though holy weapons are, as you know, expensive items, other valuable items aren't being taken as well.
   Adam: Do we know of the possible enemy group?
   Regan: No. The group responsible must be extremely powerful and or they just sprang up recently and gained power at tremendous speed. None of our spies have found any information concerning any such group.
   Adam: Let me follow you for today, I want to know more about the situation, I'll help in any way that I can.
   Regan: Of course, you have always made my job easier.
There is one more blacksmith who had his collection broken into. We're going to that person next.
The blacksmith only possessed 2 holy weapons, an axe and a spear and the armory here possessed one holy weapon and that was a long sword. 
   Adam: I see...
   Regan: Speaking of swords, so you're still using the sword you were given when you were promoted.
   Adam: ...If I had found something as well made, I would have sold it a long time ago but it has become one of my important possessions after all these years...
   Regan: It was quite a loss when you were forced to leave the guard.
   Adam: The Red Guard needs to trust its soldiers as much as possible. They were no longer able to trust me because of my past.
   Regan: I know the reason why you were forced to leave... but I believe that there was actually another reason. Did you think of this?
   Adam: ...This is in the past.  I don't want to go back to the Red Guard either.
Let us go to the next blacksmith you spoke of.

-- Later that afternoon outside a town bar--

Regan: So 2 blacksmiths and an armory had their holy weapons stolen in this town.
  This has occurred in many other towns as well.
  Even rare holy weapons within well protected private collections have been taken.
  The investigations of the thefts shown that the criminals were top experts.
  There were no signs of forced entry,  no distinctive imprints, they have made no flaws that any other less skilled thieves would make.
Adam: To have such skilled people at their disposal...
Regan: I'm starting to think this group will elude us for many months to come.
Adam: Hmm... How prepared are the knights?
Regan: They are fairly capable. At the very least they can take on a level 25 magical beast on their own.
  but if they find themselves up against someone who require holy weapons...
Adam: ...most dark types are above level 40...
Regan: We need more experienced people with us in this mission
  but currently, only the men that I lead could be spared.
  We looked around for strong people to help us against this looming threat
  but only not many have dedicated their time and effort.
***and needs more conversation for some reason as this feels too short
***need to somehow lead into thin demon fight

Sunday, September 2, 2012

green mage ch. 4 pt. 2: Brilliant Light

***A few hours pass.***

Cayn: Look over there, that bush is glowing.
 Maybe there are some of those flowers there.

Adam: Stop, stay where you are.

Cayn: Huh?

Adam: I don't know of a plant that glows like that.

Cayn: Then it must be...

Adam: Shoot a leaf arrow quickly, before it escapes.

Cayn: Sharpen your green edge. Leaf arrow.

The bush shines brightly for a moment.

Adam: It's emerging.

  A Light Emitting Stag appeared from the bushes.

Adam: Tch... This one one is a high level.

Adam attacks! 88 damage dealt!
  The Light Emitting Stag howls in pain!
  The Light Emitting Stag starts running away!

Adam: We're following it. Try to keep up.
Adam attacks! Nick hit. 50 damage dealt.

Adam: Light creatures resist most elemental attacks
 so your attacks can't do much against it.
 Stay behind me and just keep using heal.
Adam attacks! Nick hit. 68 damage dealt.

  The Light Emitting Stag fires 5 Light Bolts.
66! 72! 56! Adam takes 192 damage!
56 76! Cayn takes 132 damage!

Cayn: Ugh, it hits hard.
Adam attacks! 98 damage dealt!
Cayn casts heal. Adam is healed for 106 hp.

  The Light Emitting Stag put up a White Chaos Wall!
Adam attacks! 78 damage dealt! Adam takes 30 damage from damage shield.
cayn heals Adam for 82 health.

  The Light Emitting Stag uses Infinite Bolt!
Adam gets hit for 38, 41, 36, 46 damage!
Cayn gets hit for 23, 32, 39 damage!
Adam attacks! 76 damage dealt! Adam takes 42 damage from the damage shield.
Cayn heals himself for 88 health.

  The Light Emitting Stag uses Pure Restore! 200 health is restored.
Adam attacks! 88 damage dealt! Adam takes 37 damgae from the damage shield.
Cayn heals Adam for 84 health.

  The Light Emitting Stag uses Freezing Realm!
Adam takes 83 damage, Adam's speed and accuracy is lowered!
Cayn takes 73 damage, Cayn's speed and accuracy is lowered!
Adam: C'mon, it's getting away!
Adam attacks! Adam's attack misses!
Adam is not in Cayn's range. The heal attempt fails.

  The Light Emitting Stag is gathering light into a large bright spear!
Adam: Stop. We're done.
Adam stops the pursuit.
The Light Emitting Stag disappears.

Adam: Ha... Ha... Neither one of us would have been able endure that attack.
Cayn: Such power... *cough cough*... I've never seen such magic.
Adam: It was a rare creature that only a few have glimpsed of.
Cayn: We were no match for it.
Adam: If we had a hunter with us, to make it slow down, the fight would probably still last the whole night.

2060 experience is received.
Adam's level increases from 27 to 28! Attack increases by 3! Defence increases by 2! Agility increases by 1!
Cayn's level increases from 22 to 23! Defence increases by 1! Magic increases by 2! Agility increases by 1!
Cayn learns Clear Ward.

Cayn: It didn't want to fight us did it?
Adam:...We needed the experience. There are more dangerous creatures more terrible that what we just fought.
 It may not have been hostile but the experience prepares us for what is much worse.

Cayn: Why should it need such power?
Adam: ...I don't know. There isn't much known about rare creatures like that white stag.

Cayn: I remember watching my teacher fighting terrifyingly strong enemies perhaps as strong as the stag...
 I can't see myself becoming as strong as him...
Adam: We can only gain strength little by little.
 You shouldn't think of becoming powerful.

Cayn: ...I'll try harder next time.
Adam: You did well for tonight. Lets head back.