Tuesday, February 21, 2012

drawings 16: recent works

my pride and joy i guess.  a multitude of occupations fantasy/realstic/stylized drawn on oekaki
 from a random program found somewhere: an unholy god
 who wanted to be a rooster
 venom fire and wind
sun and sea

Monday, February 20, 2012

green mage ch. 2: Magic Staff

green mage chapters
Chapter 1: Giant Tree Toad/The Beginning

Adam consumed Coldbeast Steak.
Strength increased by 2, HP increased by 20
Adam: I haven't had such a good meal like this since I quit being a Red Knight.
Cayn consumed Golden Bird Stew.
Defence increased by 2, Speed increased by 2, Sp increased by 10.
Cayn: Oh yes, this is quite good as well.

Adam: ...Cayn, what mage school did you go to?
Cayn: none, I was taught magic by the village leader.
Adam: he was a mage? you should know more than just cure and fire drop.
Cayn: he wasn't a mage. he was a mage knight but magic was all he could teach me.
Cayn takes a sip of his wine.
Cayn: Filmis village had long winters and only 5 of the 30 people living there could use magic. *
      Flame Drop had it's uses.
Adam: Well you're far from being able to fight monsters. *
      I'm not very interested in training you either.
      You can't be as lucky as you were with the tree toad.
Cayn: Um... well... my attacks could be stronger if i consumed food which increased my int.
      Filmis village didn't have food that increased intelligence, didn't have food that increased Speed either.
Adam: increasing your attributes through food isn't cheap or fast. You probably can't eat as much either... *
Adam looks at Cayn's simple wooden staff behind Cayn's back.
Adam: your staff doesn't look very powerful either. what is its power?
Cayn takes out his staff and stares at it.
Cayn: ...this staff boosts my magical power by 20 points.
Adam: Thats... weak. I'll buy you a stronger one at the weapon shop.
      We have quite a bit of gold now from selling the tree toad's eye.
Cayn: how much?
Adam: Well this meal costed us about 2000 gold. since we didn't eat for so long, the meal was worth it.
      We currently have around 5300 gold.
Cayn: Could you give me 2000 gold? i have something i want to buy.
Adam: you're not gonna buy something useless are you?
Cayn: Oh no, of course not. This will buy something useful. *


Adam: You're back late.
Cayn: I had trouble finding the last of the materials.
Adam: materials?
Cayn: I found a few of the things i needed in the market but... I had to head into the forest to find the rest.
Adam: You went into the forest?
Cayn returns 800 gold to Adam.
Cayn: Yup. Here, wear this around your wrist.
Adam received cloth bracelet.
Adam: A cloth bracelet.
Cayn: Filmis is a village that is famous for making accessories for travellers.
      I thought i would make two for us.
Adam: what exactly does this accessory do?
Cayn: hmm... I don't remember really which accessory did what.
      I remember one could decrease encounters... another could increase movement speed...
      but i did remember what materials i needed and how to make this accessory.
Adam: how... wonderful.
      well i purchased you a more powerful staff. it's on your bed.
Cayn received Moon Staff.
Adam: It increases your magical power by 60 and so you can get rid of your old one.
Cayn looks at his old staff.
Adam: I also bought the items you generally need as an adventurerer
Cayn received 10 Green Vials, 6 Blue Vials, 3 Antidotes.
Cayn stuffs his bag with these items.
Adam: We'll be returning to the forest in the morning so get some rest.
      we'll first look for some weaker monsters to see if you can handle them.
Cayn: right.
Adam: well then, night.
Cayn: Good night.


Adam: got everything?
Cayn: yeah.
Cayn and Adam leave the inn.
Cayn turns to Adam: ...I'll be right back.
Adam: ...
Cayn returns.
Adam: where did you go?
Cayn: I put my old staff into storage.
Adam: ...why?
Cayn: I want to keep it.
Adam: It's just a weak staff.
Cayn: I don't think anyone else would appreciate it as much i did.
Adam: Riiight. Well, we'll be walking around the forest to find an easier battle than the tree toad.
      lets see what you can do now.

Chapter 3: Venomflies

green mage ch. 1: Giant Tree Toad, The Beginning

green mage chapters

Deep in a dark and thick forest, a giant frog covered in vines, branches, and leaves is attacking the young man who has disturbed it.
*slash 56!
*slash 72!
*slam received 120 damage! defence is decreased.
"damned frog..." "Salamander! wrap my sword with flame!"
*slash 130!
*slash 161!
Giant Tree Toad used Dispel Fog! Fire effect is dispelled!
Adam is Poisoned! Adam receives 30 damage from poison.
Adam: "Hey! Help me out here could you!"
*slash attack missed!
"Um! Um! Cure!" Adam is healed for 30 hp.
Adam: "Is that it?! Cast a fire spell, Cayn! Tree Toads are of Wood attribute!"
*slash 70!
*slash 53!
Giant Tree Toad used Acid Spit! Adam received 90 damage! Adam's defence decreases further!
Adam's HP is now yellow. (HP<50%)
Adam: "Damn it." Adam used Green Vial. 250 hp is restored. Adam receive 22 damage from poison.
Cayn: "Dispell the Cold...Flame Drop!" Giant Tree Toad took 15 damage.
Giant Tree Toad used Tongue Slam! Adam received 183 damage!
"Flame Drop? Cast a stronger spell you idiot!" Adam used Antidote! Status is returned to normal.
Cayn: "I don't have other spells..."
Adam: "I don't understand how that is possible!"
Giant Tree Toad attacked! Adam dodged.
Adam: "All Mages start out with 4 spells at level 1! I know 6 spells and I'm a bloody Swordsman!"
*slash Critical! 103!
*slash 66!
Adam: "I don't even understand how you can just stand there without having this blasted toad targetting you!"
Giant Tree Toad attacked! Adam receieves 141 damage!
Adam's HP is now yellow (HP<50%)
Cayn passes his turn.
Adam stumbles upon a Crimson Plant!
Adam: "I can use this!"
Adam rubs the Crimson Plant on his weapon! Silver Sword is now enchanted with a strong flame!
Giant Tree Toad jumped high in the air!
Adam is gathering strength for a strong attack!
Giant Tree Toad crashes down!
Adam: "You are not defeating me you bastard! Grand Cut!"
*HYPER CRITICAL* Giant Tree Toad takes 608 damage! Adam takes 258 damage!
Adam's HP is now red(<30%)
Giant Tree Toad is defeated!
Adam and Cayn receive 1396 experience.
Cayn's level increased from 15 to 17!
Received: Poison Liver (Worth: 600 gold)
Adam: "huff...huff..." Adam looks angrily at Cayn.
Adam: "The village leader said you would be useful in this forest but you don't have any offensive capability do you?"
Cayn: "This...this is my first battle..."
Adam: "Your first battle huh?... I'm practically alone here. when do you obtain your next spell?"
Cayn: "At level 19 I gain the ability to use Green Leaf"
Adam: "A Wood spell? Wood creatures resist Wood attacks."
Cayn: "..."
Adam: "We're returning to town. I'm out of potions and I really need one right now. You are carrying some aren't you?"
Cayn: "Yeah, I have two" Cayn gives a Green Vial to Adam. 250 hp is restored.
Adam: "You should be carrying more potions. 2 potions can barely last anyone a day even on the plains... Cayn?"
Cayn walks to the defeated Giant Tree Toad.
Adam: "What are you doing? Even though it's dead, it's still poisonous."
Cayn touches the head of the Giant Tree Toad softly and closes his eyes.
The dead Giant Tree Toad is moving!
Adam: "Get away from it quickly!"
The dead Giant Tree Toad stops moving. The Giant Tree Toad's face looks calmer. Cayn opens his eyes.
Adam: "What did you do?"
Cayn: "I prayed for his soul to find peace."
Cayn receives Crystalized Giant Tree Toad's Eye. (Worth: 6000 gold)
Adam: "Huh? A Rare Drop. Monsters usually have only 1 drop at defeat."
Chapter 2: Magic Staff

Monday, February 13, 2012

words, ideas: adventure horror

ideas for a horror game where you don't have the ability to die.
survival horror means you can die and item management.


you call a cab in the middle of night
you fall asleep in the cab
you find yourself in the middle of nowhere with the driver gone
you wait in the cab for a while until you get fed up.
you see this plain white old wooden building in the clearing but obviously you shouldn't go in there.
you walk up and down the road for a while but you get tired.
you walk back and decide to look around the house.
it's impossible to look though the windows as it's pitch black inside and the flashlight you have for some magical reason can't pierce through it.
blah blah blah
inside the house, the electricity works, the walls and decorations are still a faded white-gray
it's dusty, the furniture looks brownish gray, yet the house looks comfortable.
and you black out.
and you end up in the basement with no apparent injuries.
the basement is large as heck.
and you have to explore this underground mysterious mansion

in a garden with white statues
the fountain is dried up, a few statues lay broken on the floor
the screen flickers for a moment and suddenly all the statues, even the broken ones, are all fixed up and facing you
then the screen flickers again with the statues at their original states
you walk forward and you knock over something injuring your knee and breaking the thing you knock over.
a statue of a small baby angel lay at your feet with his head and limbs broken off because you knocked it over.
there wasn't anything in front of you before the moment of the screen flicker.

a long white room
black windows high on the walls which you can't reach
a painting of a woman holding a baby
she says this room is safe

the road you are walking down is suddenly foggy
you continue walking forward for a few minutes
and suddenly your character disappears
and the camera zooms out to see your character falling off a cliff silently
your character wakes up in the backseat of a car beside an unbuckled baby seat at the bottom of this cliff.

enter a room, door shuts behind you.
nothing happens in the room,
you try to go back out but the door is jammed.
and then gap between the bottom of the door and the floor becomes dark -possibly an unknown person or figure is now outside the door
and this figure suddenly leaves
then you open the door
then an object, a puzzle peice or something useless is on the ground outside the room you were trapped in temporarily
maybe make it more obvious someone was there outside
maybe the entity made a lot of noise
or there were sounds of many people walking outside, perhaps they never stop at your door(or they all stop at the door)

various aspects

when i talk about a room number, i am referring to the room in this exploration game.
http://www.99rooms.com/ which has an eerie atmosphere perfect for horror.

room 89: fantasy element: an insect playing an instrument or a string
happy memories being replayed in sad ways -silent hill shattered memories

you obviously get injured, the games shows these injuries -call of cthulhu
but are easily healed by resting on something soft or on a chair
there are no such items to collect and stock up on.
injuries slow you down considerably but never kill you
resting simply makes you stay silent and still for a while in the unknown darkness, the transition to darkness is slow
it should be known that nowhere is considered anywhere safe
resting is not possible in "white rooms" as resting would be too difficult
white rooms would actually drain your stamina or be more difficult to move though.

thousands of white wires cover the wall
shadows you can barely see accumulate and continue to make a room darker each time you visit it.
you remove dirty rags one by one off this large pile of rags
and under this large pile you discover a body.
a room is flooded with an unknown murky dark brown substance
a room is red until this object drains the red out it
a ghostly woman crying/sitting infront of a crib
music boxes
the tall hall of beds have ghostly bodies sleeping in the beds.
possessing tortured faces

a white room where you must draw a red line
room where you must watch a red line being drawn (you follow this odd line)


cars broken, left crashed inside a building, at the bottom of a cliff
and the top of a tall building-rain or windy
abandoned houses new/pretty/elegant vs old/small
stair cases
abandoned hospitals, office buildings, libraries, underground rooms, schools, daycares


completely alone
no bodies alive or dead
the monster is always there, you only notice it when it moves as it it looks like a dead white tree
drowning in a lake



random/short events -resident evil

things keep falling down like birds, the roof, or dirty water
possibly when you complete a puzzle relating to birds -maybe you destroy an image of a bird
there is suddenly many small objects hitting the room.
outside the house is many dead birds(maybe white) -maybe with their heads and wings cut off bloody.
not simple game overs-such as just the words game over

various mechanics

sound effects/music

your tools easily break -rust -age as they're old
if for some reason you are barefoot, your body slowly becomes black as you become "tainted"
in a way that could work in hearth and haven

if any music, music must be perfect
music plays at certain times perhaps rare times
ex. in a room with music, you leave room, you reenter, the music does not play.

things that generate noise would happen silently instead
or it happens slowly as if it was in it's own dimension.