monstrous white snake
fanart: "There she is!" main characters.
intelligent mecha like a tachikoma
Being of human form, of horror
small spirits (large size)
storyboard for a flash animation project I will never finish, lotta years old.
sprite art for pokemon badges because I thought I could do better.
also stole sprite badge art from somewhere so go ahead and punch me in the face multiple times for that.
and I fixed proportions a bit. it still sucks.
there is no common theme in my work is there?
work on grammar and word use and sentence making
sew socks and shirts
rpg maker characters, characteristics, stats, story, word, combat mechanics
green mage story progression, storytelling development ( i fucking suck as a story teller i believe)
think up more cool/unique character classes and draw them in a fucking awesome way
fan art neopets, develop characteristics into them from fanart.
ragnarok job sprites. Don't abandon.
everything organization
find the things that i have written that i have loved, look at drawings done long ago
read criticisims of your bloody mass of low quality work
this was almost poetic.
be sad because you destroyed things that you have created.
a flower that was thrown away
a young death