Tuesday, July 13, 2010

words: dream

 cause i found this dream interesting.

what i remember was that i was going into a bus.
the seat i first chose was taken so i didn't sit with my pillows which i left at that seat somewhere.
i took another seat further in the bus and sat next to a young shy girl.
i talked to her about some stuff but she spoke softly and kindly, smiling, but i couldn't make out what she was saying.
i asked 2 things i didn't remember.
i had 3 pillows, 2 long and 1 normal sized.
i was last to leave bus and i pulled out my pillows from where i first was gonna sit.
we were at a place where people my age (i'm pretty young) lived.
i searched for my room, going up stairs, something like in hogwarts.
a thin guy who i went to school with passed by me.
we searched for our rooms in some building.
reminded me of a dream where i could choose my room, from a large selection of rooms
i remember multiple rooms that were linked together in a straight line.
one of these rooms had a sky light, but this was in another dream.
one floor that i was on had a red carpet and fancier rooms compared to the others.
i eventually got lost.
i think i needed a code for my room.
then somewhere, at some time, i fought monsters castlevania style
fighting a giant glowing blue skeleton with his giant skull.
i saw a blue medium sized plant monster as well.
i fought using a whip, like a the main characters of the games.
the background was black and white, dungeon like.
i kept falling, unable to enter doors like i wanted to.
then sometime after, i manage to defeat giant blue glowing skeleton head.
then i see a talisman with a japanese clothed woman infront of it, floating like a frozen shade - an enemy in castlevania. a japanese talisman made of paper with red symbols and shapes on it.
i manage to get out of that place after that.
i end up all the way in the back building.
which has the metal outdoor staircases that some apartments have.
this metal staircase reaches all the way to the top where some of the doors back in enter some sort of darkness or evil-something out of another dream.
i end up all the way on the ground somehow after this part.
the ground was made of large gray square stones.
on left side of the building from the back is the place where my father's funeral was held.
the dual doors into the place are glass, i felt fear from the place, i was afraid of it.
the space to left from the back of the hotel was large.
there were normal people walking around here.
i pick up a chair and hold it in front of my head so its legs point out.
i start rushing toward the front of the building through a food court.
dodging people and tables.
a remember a father and son standing in front of the food court.
the only person i hit was a woman but i remember i only bumped into her with the chair.
i reenter the building looking for an elevator.
there were alot of doors but they were locked or something.
then i find a room that has 2 elevators, 1 for men, another for women.
i think the buttons were labeled for the floors 1, 3, 5, and 7.
i think i remember entering a room named 555 or something.
i enter another room of vents and things-silent hill or portal like.
where ther are holes to the outside, only big enough to fit an arm.
these windows looked as if they moved when wind blew.
the main character from eureka was there with a clipboard, looking like he was doing something.
he was doing work in his brown uniform. he was out of place.
he does something and the 3 holes started blowing but not at the same time, supposedly fixed.
we find a naked woman laying down under one of these vents in a makeshift bed with various body parts at her feet.
then 2 nude women pop out behind the wall
they awake as if they were demonic.
than that owl from the game peggle appears
the scene changes magically with colors, the nude people dissapear, and the scene is no longer brown, black and gray and yellow.

i'm lying in 2 things for some sort of reason.
the last 2 lines aren't it.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

words: love

even though love is something human, something of this dimension, this world, this universe, something we feel so mankind continues,

it is possible it could be made into something more,

love could be limited to humans and human form,
tied to rules many have followed
and unexperienced by many as well.

into something that isn't limited to such rules and entities.

more depressing thoughts seeped in and made this crap below.

but such limits create more value and uniqueness to this feeling or emotion.
we are given such things we think of are bad and good.

should these feelings like love and happiness be unique to us or felt by other "life"?
should we be bound to these rules made by no one?

we create these values.
they could have no value at all.

Friday, May 28, 2010

pokemon ideas and concepts.

 i wonder how much stuff i can upload.
anyway my poorly organized ideas, a lot of which don't make sense.

female professor who is the champion, being a general do gooder isn't an original concept for making an awesome character.
you don't fight the elite 4 anymore, you just fight 2 people or something other than the usual crap.
snow and lava dungeons
3rd game forest dungeon
make better towns so they aren't as boring, generic or forgetful.
lavender town number 2. meaning creepy ghosts, sad music, people who love pokemon

Pokemon Past
a game that takes place in the past, of the time when ancient and fossil pokemon walked and swam.
there are relicanths
there are some alien pokemon

little brown indian girl/boy
you visit other villages to battle other villagers to complete rituals
the battle is held at night by the fire with the moon and stars shining, maybe with chanting

and badges are made of pokemon parts
bone, skull, feather, and scales.

capturing concept

pokemon are caught in objects like that one pokemon episode with the giant tattooed jigglypuff, alakazam and gengar
or just items based on pokemon type.

reptile pokemon

each of the gym leaders uses a new ancient evolution of a pokemon of their gym type.
there are 4 regions with 4 gyms each.

gyms are more like dungeons.

whispering north
those searching to become stronger learn of the strength of nature here

quiet east
the spiritual villages dream here

roaring west
the strong villages have constant wars here

the singing south is a place for where shamans are created and only the mentally strong are allowed.
the spirits of the earth and pokemon linger here.

steel-bronzong-new pokemon

fire-ponyta-new pokemon


the south has an ocean where you dive.

Pokemon Trainer Adventure

you are out at sea with your father fishing
when suddenly you are attacked by pirates or the new evil group out there and
you are tossed out into a boat by your father who hold the pirates up with a tentacruel.

when you reach land you see a large explosion out at sea and a piece of metal lands on the beach you are on.
it's a part of a part of a machine with a symbol on it.
you decide to become a pokemon trainer and learn more about this symbol and the group that attacked you.
the group isn't as simple as team rocket.
the group...owns their own island...and...you go there for a pokemon battle tournament (like in the anime) and it's actually a recruiting place
where some of the people you befriend become your enemies
while a few fight along side you against them
instead of you fighting the boss and his minions alone.

you fight your father right after the champion and his team consists of water and poison types with 2 pokemon of other types.

other pokemon concept
all of what happened in the movies, happens to you in the game
somewhat like a quest or event.
story and characters are more involved, active.
you travel to an island to fight stronger versions of your pokemon
your ship gits an island of tribal people
you collect orbs from three islands
of course there are more battles with normal pokemon

you play as the champion
your party changes by event

pre technology past
a country-ish game does sound good.
i see a kid riding a bicycle on the dirt road with yellow fields of wheat/sunflowers or something behind a wooden fence beside him.

training can now take place in gyms instead of the wild
stuff like ev's are easier to train here.
maybe moves can be powered up like 10-30 points or some pp.
there could be different kinds and level of wild
the low level or basic pokemon are out on routes
middle leveled pokemon are in forests
the high level pokemon would be in caves, mountains, underground, underwater, volcanos
pokemon would still be found in their normal locations but their levels would be more varied.
pokemon would have a range.

egg sprites, after they hatch, they hold egg shells as a held item that
increase defense or some thing that only work for a pokemon of that type

current pokemon structure
barely no difference between versions, just a few different pokemon
you choose pokemon attacks and other things
you fight wild pokemon, hundreds of scattered trainers, and stronger gym leaders and trainers
you travel and explore the pokemon world.

other peoples ideas

a lower level cap would be cool. Like level 30 or 60?
leveling in gyms and less random encounters is a good idea as well
but how about trainers who go climb mountains or train in caves in uncontrolled environments.
6 attack slots might make it better though some pokemon might need to have less attacks of other types.
so fights should be like fighting a legendary pokemon.
it takes a bit more time.
chase mode is a good idea so the good pokemon don't get away
though some pokemon should escape

anonymous 2
you can get an infinite amount of all tms and evolution items, though, they're just hard to get.

anonymous 3
evs are much more easier to max

some things stay gone like trees

pokemon don't forget moves
pokemon ony have 4 usable slots per battle.

a safari system that's awesome, exploring, items!
there are less pokemon trainers in the world

it would be awesome if each version had routes changed depending on the version.
i don't know what happened in the ruby version but i think it was almost exactly like the sapphire version.
in sapphire, towns would have be flooded like a foot of water
in ruby, lakes and rivers are dried up
what we would have to think about is what happens after the legendary pokemon are calmed down.

pokemon companions
you travel the game with other  people
you have to fulfill the wishes and goals of theirs and as well as your own.
these people may be old, gym leaders, evil people or some fisherman who only has magicarps. of course we don't want it that boring.
they will capture and train their own pokemon and they may leave at some point in the game, but you will be able to meet up with them again
you may have up to 3 or 4 people meaning 18 or 24 pokemon. In gym battles and trainer battles you may only use a single trainer's pokemon.
important characters have 1 main objective and a couple side objectives
normal characters have basic objectives
you can have a max possible of three different trainers where they appear in 3 different places after they have their goals completed, depending on pokemon and trainer type.
such as a fisherman would appear near a underground lake, at the beach, or water gym.
trainers like your rival or pokemon plot chracters can only travel with you after the main game is done.

pokemon characters
you research more about pokemon with your professor or a person with a high ranking or authority
a pokemon master, a breeder, a collector, a fisherman.
gym leaders and other trainers take part in mini storys, they have a role in town at least.
there are more characters involved in the main plot instead of a couple of trainers,
not just the champion, your rival, and the evil non intelligent group.

gyms are more than places to get badges
it's a place to learn, become stronger, train specific pokemon types

pokemon trainers are much more less common and eye contact doesn't mean a battle
character personality, fame, and level changes the occurances of battles
trainers and characters move based on three layouts in routes and towns
they're not stationary, they meet with you at places as though they did something.
loses do not cause any penalties except possibly losing fame

pokemon battle system
you are able to choose what pokemon to call out at the beginning of the battle or run right after the wild pokemon has appeared/been detected.
pokemon learn a less variety of moves and not have access to half of the type spectrum

some pokemon could be extremely rare and they appear as an event or in a quest, i'm thinking of the crystal onix.
these polemon are non transferable and only one of them could exist in the game.
of course like my idea for other legendaries, if they are released, another one could be caught in the wild or somewhere.

starters are 1 pure types, no longer hassled by a second type
starters could start as all normal type

pokemon typing
beginning types
normal, bug, flying
grass, poison, water, electric
second types
rock fire fighting
high types
psychic, steel, dragon, dark, ice
pokemon of the same species can have different typing,
though all of them keep 1 base type and can change their second type (just a couple of types)
legendary pokemon get their own typing.
which are weak to normal attacks and to their second type.
some types should be worked on more such as poison and bug.

pokemon training
pokemon can be molded into great battlers with dedication (not with just knocking out poor innnocent wild pokemon)
maybe there should also be a way to train evs instead of battling a pokemon with high stats in it
each pokemon could have a certain cap like how much stronger they could get
weaker pokemon could get the highest potential for growth in some stats if they are trained and taken care of well
they still would lack in thier other stats compared to higher statted pokemon
whatever is on the uber or high tier would barely grow with training at all (they are known to be uber because they are that way when they were born)
It's really irritating when you will have horrible difficulty with playing with a pokemon you really like.
training should end at level 70 for earlier pokemon.

pokemon evolution
you don't need to evolve to become stronger and some pokemon don't want to evolve
and such pokemon become as strong as their evolved forms, yet weaker in their other of aspects.
currently evolved forms lose some attacks, stone evolution loses most of their attacks.
fossil pokemon have a chance of failing in process turning into a different pokemon.
same with transfering pokemon, maybe.

pokemon personalities
personalities are one of the things in making the strongest team,
but personality is something special and personal to each pokemon, making them unique.
people would just dump pokemon that don't have the desired personality
maybe certain moves could be learned based on personality
personality and perhaps stats should be seeable from when you encounter it, not when you capture it
or personality shouldn't have an effect on stats but on something else.
it does have some sense though personality has an effect on stats.
perhaps effects on how it learn and levels.
amount of exp, pp, hp, how much effort values it gets in battle
personality could be a part of what a pokemon wants and does.
changing effects of attacks.

pokemon moves
each and every pokemon would have a couple of species specific attacks.

Hidden Machines, obstacles
pokemon  (like fly or cut) but they would need to build up that ability
(like cutting grass or just having them flying or surfing around at some training place or at home with you dear lonely mother)
small pokemon would require a higher level than bigger pokemon to carry you around.
you could also ride pokemon. more than just fly and surf, like riding arcinine and rapidash. like in pokemon ranger

hidden machines can have their types changed so you can use a fire type surf.
changing the type of a defensive move changes it's effect as well.
the power of these machines grow as you gain badges but aren't quite better than their original typing and technical machines.
surfing on fire
surfing on psychic waves
strength of darkness
strength of dragon

wild pokemon, capturing
you are able to sneak up on pokemon and observe them
using an item/quick pokemon ability to see what moves, stats, nature and ability they have.
or pokemon of different genders act noticably differently, pokedex tells you of these differences, or not.
possibly these work after a pokemon of that species gets caught
PP could be 5 if this ability needs to be not so depended on.
pokemon in the wild would be raising young so pokemon could be more varied in level
knocked out pokemon can be caught
escaping is faster before the battle open and throw of a pokeball.
when legendary pokemon are defeated, they flee and are found as roaming pokemon.
you can only have capture and find 1 legendary pokemon in each game.
if you release a legendary you are able to catch another one as long as you don't have that legendary in your possession.

pokemon items
you can carry limited items 5 of each type.
TM's can only be used from a machine or PC usually found in pokemon centers.
this could be a game of some sort or it takes time for a pokemon to learn a move.
pokeballs are no longer broken by pokemon
pokeballs instead have durability points or DP
and you can only hold 12 pokeballs at a time.
DP is reduced by 5 when calling out a pokemon and by 10 when a wild pokemon breaks free from it.
pokeballs have the same capture rates but different maximum DP
a normal pokeball has 500 DP
a great ball has 750 DP
an ultra ball has 1000 DP
DP can't be restored so a new pokeball will have to be purchased when it breaks
a pokeball can't be used when DP is at or below 10.
pokeball quality affects the growth of pokemon happiness.
event pokemon have special pokeballs where DP isn't reduced.

shouldn't be focused on getting a rare female
as they are the only ones that can give you the same species.

pokemon healing
a resting system where you have to have pokemon rest at the pokemon center because they would go and be really sick or worked too hard and
you wouldn't be able to use them for a couple of days (a pokemon day would be like an hour or so)
make you use a variety of pokemon instead of just 3-6 pokemon.
pokemon can rest outside of pokemon centers to restore hp and pp.
suportive outside of battle pokemon
heals hp. pp, and status ailments outside of battle

pokemon releasing, pokemon storage
Somewhat i want trainers to pay loads of cash for releasing a pokemon back into the wild.
in real life people would just kill their pets if they had to pay to disown them, i think thats what they do anyway
it's evil if you spent time with a pokemon or bother a pokemon from the wild and you abandon it after it may have gotten attached to you.
and pokemon shouldn't be just stored in some box, cramped, doing nothing
in the anime, they were sent to the professor where he took care of them.
a pokemon ranch at home who takes care of your pokemon
a huge pokemon habitat of trainer's caught pokemon
pokemon are to be let out a while, breath, stretch, interact.
at least say this happens.

pokemon other than in fighting and contests
you see pokemon interact with other pokemon in the wild like the clefairy at mt moon.
or a herd of pokemon wandering or hanging out somewhere.
pokemon needs more things about caring about them,
separate from faggot contests and ruthless battling.
this is where weaker, smaller pokemon could be used.

pokemon other
pokemon with a system like twewy where you control their attacks via stylus.
this way, you can fight a whole group of pokemon with just 1 pokemon. like they constantly do with pikachu.
legendary and evolved pokemon would be their size. imagine a caterpie fighting a wailord.
in that's too big, pokemon could come up in 3-5 sizes small-medium-large
or a system where you could control 1 vs. 3 pokemon against another trainer or pokemon in the wild
where the function of speed and turn order is changed.
you would make use of the terrain, there are underwater battles, rocky battles and battles in trees and the air.
This is more about strategy and movement as the battle ground isn't the same.

other crap i don't care about
Make Leaf Blade a TM and as common as Thunderbolt, Ice Beam, Flamethrower, Earthquake.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

imaginary house structure

plan for how i would design my house in neopets.
i haven't done much for it as i have only created a few rooms of it.
i wouldn't live in it as it's too fancy or something.
room 9 would be a balcony of some sort or something as you can see the garden which is numbered 12
room seven has easy access to that garden.

normal rooms which are bedrooms should perhaps be rearranged a bit since i don't think they are normally on top of each other.
room 6 was gonna be a general room that could be the living room with a couch, a television, a computer, and a table for stuff other than food.

mmo ideas

since i don't have much else to upload, i'll upload other stuff i worked on that probably, in total, took longer than an hour. i'm editing the rest of my ideas currently so they're not full of swear words.

dream mmorpg
played runescape, ragnarok online, rose online, seal online, lunia, flyff, puzzle pirates



i like large towns where almost all the buildings could be entered, realistic and detailed room structure.
but this would mean that there would be a lot of useless empty rooms
ragnarok has many maps with nothing in them, where they could be used for something.
i liked hanging out even though i would be alone in the bedroom, in a library or a small cottage just outside city gates.

player organization in towns
people in mmorpgs usually sit on the ground or hang out near the center of the main town near storage or shops.
as the skill or action sit/rest/sleep is designed to do/is for.

as higher level characters develop,
they create an area where they could be found more easily
or a place where only they would hang out.

sections of the map are divided by where important shops, spawn points, and important npcs are
as well as where there is space and alot of traffic.

some mmos implement customizable rooms or houses
but those are more like private places, or meant for a couple of people, friends.
a public hang out for all players would be a place like an inn or casual restaurant with tables.
it would be futile to create such a place as you can't expect people to hang out in such a place.

an idea is to seperate players into special groups based on some variable so people would hang out with their own groups.
but that's a bit stupid, people would want to be able to choose what groups they want to be in.

Player Towns

temples, parks, doing different things changing how players or npc town people interact, act, and change
things happen like plagues, fires, murders, and money disappears

merchant control other merchants (players and npc)
haggling skills, getting lower prices, making contracts, following the law and not doing so
controlling a town to make sure the populace survives,

merchants would have to take control of trade and focus on certain things
supporting someone or someplace
imagine the farms are set on fire
merchants would focus on getting food,
finding a place to store food,
getting good prices,
getting a constant supply,
studying on how to prevent this problem again or think up of what they should do if this would happen again.
some of these concepts could be taken from city sim games.

constant recruiting of heros/guards
towns recruit guards by a test every month
test are different for every town so they don't act the same
guards of different towns can be corrupt like taking money from people, killing people freely, or not doing his job at all.
guards and kings (npc or player, controls and rules a town or something) would have a few capabilities of a game master.


characters can lose arms, eyes, and stuff for a unique-r look.
they can be regained in perhaps a day long quest, or a sorta-expensive potion so such players would want to aviod such attacks
the importance of life and fear of death should be emphasized.
less on death though.

environments can cause damage
there are such unique weather or natural effects of such maps such as
falling boulders
a map with lava, a map that rains rock
thunder electrified ground
rain mist
burning ground, raining fire
you can get trapped in a room that fills with water or sand

game system

realistic, active game system
i really hate the idea of roleplaying
it feels and sounds silly
but i've never tried it, and i'd rather not.
and i don't really know about what is really is about.

i think it should be more like: if i quit the game, freaks would continue to corrupt the game
i imagine they would want to be paid or something which is unlikely.
if i could change the game, make a difference in the game, making it better or worse, it won't just be just a game.

one could hire real bad guys/jerks/asses/criminals even to be the main enemies or antagonists.
such people probably would talk in some stupid way, not know how to use a computer, be horribly violent and mean
unlike such characters in an anime or surreal fantasy.
prisoners or criminal hackers go and wreck havoc on normal characters as players who strive for change would go and try do something about it.
some guy would be able to make some "program" to deal with this and a few select character will magically save the day for the month at least.
this would be more like a fight between programmers who know how to create such magical things.
but this is really impossible and too hard, it's just an interesting idea that looks into and tries something darker.

it wouldn't be as great if you were just fighting some program.
monsters and the environment would need major stuff done to them so they won't be just 3d and acting to some code
the code or whatever things they are controlled by, would change quickly or randomly, making fighting it difficult

what i'm imagining is a baphomet appearing where porings spawn and baphomet doesn't just attack 1 player or cast meteor storm.
it casts spell that no other player or monster has, a whole new spell that it has just made up,
insta death should be impossible because that's just irritating.
the modified baphomet will even be difficult to control by game masters.

magical, fantasy environments limited by basic combat fundamentals.

-The World is nothing near another generic WoW clone. Instead of a single world, players are given access to dozens of player-run cities and hundreds, perhaps thousands of sprawling and unique landscapes, each containing it's own design and dungeon.

-The combat isn't point and click. The way your character moves, attacks and uses skills is dynamic and requires more than button mashing. Far more intuitive than things like World of Warcraft.

-While dungeon crawling is the focal point of the game, players are given the choice to pick their own reasons for playing, such as merchandising or player killing.

-Completely customizable characters. Your characters looks aren't determined by what equipment they have. Instead, when you create your character, you customize your avatars clothing, armor, hair, ect, and that is what you will always look like. While the method for doing this is unknown, I'd imagine it would be something along the lines of Spore's creature creation.

-Moderators and Administrators work differently than other games. Instead of banning you at the click of a button, you are hunted down by the "Crimson Knights", which will detain you, jail you, and kill you. The way criminals are dealt with is role played.

-The game has more or less already been made. The PS2 .hack games have proven that the combat and game world techniques work. The only thing missing was the multiplayer part.

no fighting unknown darkness, or a single evil guy

infinite sword, beast bow, brute dagger, burst staff, flying mace

something should be done so high level characters don't hog certain monsters
drop and exp modifiers help in this.

simple - players can't die from illness or starvation or
advanced - characters require constant nourishment and medicine

an ingame dungeon takes a week from beginning to end, others take a whole day, another a whole month
(naw)(it shouldn't be long or boring)

npc party members

instead of characters played by people, some or all npcs could be asked to join parties.
as they level up, their stats are randomly assigned so they are different for every npc.
they also have skills.
it's possible to use a npc that was in another party.
they have perma death (maybe, i hate anything permanent), they create friends and as well as enemies
an npc ally might be an enemy in disguise
killing you, stealing from you, activating traps


gameplay information on the site or some help window in game.
instead of being explained by npcs

a way to move more faster. mount vehicle equipment

a reason to log on or play for a half hour. (obtain a daily quest/present/visiting present)
some people can't play for an hour or more.

cash items would just help in creating or attaining good items as well as make the character look good. (maybe with minor bonuses)

there would be guilds or something focusing in each class/race/certan masteries that makes some things easier
such as obtaining quests and items and they would help in creating quests
depending on what characters in the guild ask for.
there should be a limit on what they want, maybe like 4 items, certain monsters kiled.

a multitude of ever changing, quick, normal and long quests
characters are able to make goals with npcs and when attained, they earn stuff

ignore features
ignore a character completely (wiped off from your screen, chat, interaction with you (disabled in pvp sort of things and makes some things more complicated)
ignore character names (i hate noobish names)


monsters get higher in rarity as they are killed, each species having a different number until this happens.
monsters have different spawning rates
monsters would have randomly generated stats within a certain range
monster would have a variety within their own and other species (recolored nicely and/or with some more worked detail)
monsters that are simple should be killed easily and not be easily able to kill you
battles where you don't just find some monster, buff, cast a weakening spell, cast spells or skills and bash with a sword automatically.
aggresiveness should only be a trait in few monsters, probably less so in dungeons.
aggresiveness should also be controlled by a certain stat or level like in rose.
simply having all monsters aggresive is annoying though somewhat a bit realistic.

(active combat)
a way to go block attacks as to reduce/prevent damage (maybe by the press of a button)
blocks for a short amount of time, a gauge, (active button mashing)

often, when a weapon hits, the character that is hit is killed or injured greatly unless the character is large, hard or heavy.
in games, damage is reduced by defense as if the damage of a mortal blow is spread out between all the attacks that hit
including hits that contact the armor or sheild
but high damage often wins which is not that realistic
in a more of an active real time game
weapon sizes and materials help in defence
attacking normally, attacking magically, attacking with skills, and attacking passively should be around equal.

autocast things (one press of a button does a set of ordered actions(i forgot what this is called) macro
skills could be strengthed by constant use and training by various actions. runescape flyff

leveling where you don't grind by just killing a load of some monsters in one place,
but you would level after reaching some sort of boss/goal where in the end
you would have needed to clear the dungeon or thingie 5-10 times (mid levels) to 50 times (high levels) (maybe)
doing the same dungeon that many times would be boring
like ragnarok, there are alot of different places to train.
2-3+ different unique training areas for a player at any level.

a great variety of detailed terrains with specfic individual features, weather and sky
you would be able collect objects from the terrain (grass/plants/animals/rocks)
and that would affect that map as they would run out of such things
they would grow naturally and you would be able to grow them

party mechanics
gained exp rises with a higher party level, which is leveled up based on how active the party is
casting party skills that could only help parties

good character customization
hair, face, clothes and stuff that won't just be covered by armor
non horribly complicated skills/stats/classes
classes that can use more than just 1 weapon/style of combat.(preists that dont just cast heal, buff, cast some holy magic)
characters chouldn't be screwed by spending a point somewhere useless as there should be anywhere to do so.
there should be a stat/stats that enable you to move faster, attack faster, cast faster instead of just affecting attack/magic power, physical/magical defence and hp/mp.
this increases flexibility between other players.

quest items
material items
teleportation items
useless beyond useless items

realistic items
items would have a relationship with how players use them and how much of them would be sold or bought, determining their price and supply
items that aren't just some recolored or lazily edited/improved looking
monsters drop custom useless/useful items that can be used to make items or be sold to npcs to produce income,
only such creatures that would carry or use weapons/armor/money/manufactured things such as potions would drop such things
normal creatures would carry food such as fish birds or berries and fruits, and things from their bodies such as fur, eyes, bones, fangs.
one would require a tool or a way to store certain items to obtain them (such as obtaining blood or skin of an animal)

healing items
potion cool down shouldn't be really slow or fast
just enough so it's good for normal combat and pvp.
some items activate automatically. this sometimes take form in cash shop items
resting to restore health/energy-common use-bearable rate~less than 10 minutes, 5 minutes, more than 1 minute is bloody long
long resting times encourages the use of items.

some things could be mainly for look such as holiday and joke stuff runescape, seal online, ragnarok, rose
but not the really cool ones they should be useful
losing a weapon or having it break shouldn't totally make a character useless

some equipment could maybe be able to work better when another item is equipped or in the inventory
some equipment could also depend on a single unchangable stat to determine their value. -rose
also large wings are horrible items that should ever exist ever
they make the game extremely gay and boringly girly and cute
equipment you are able to equip items as layers so you can wear whatever you could want
this could be disabled when you go into battle/option in window

some equipment use up ammunition.
if the ammunition is costly, they should do more damage than if they don't use up ammunition
weapon+equipment and stats should equal in contributing to total attack power

weapons could have some sort of defence rating, as they do realisticly
2 of the same weapons could have slight differences in
attack power, defence, accuracy, speed range, weight, durability, and critical seal online
weapons could be classed by how they inflict damage (slash, crush, peirce, etc) -runescape
to diversify strategy.
weapons could have some sort of diversity
a ordinary dagger might look weak
but it has like 100 dragons sealed inside of it
making it stronger than a level 100 weapon.
high level weapons can't be enchanted like so.
there could be a place where you need a certain weapon with you or a weapon of a certain level
to enchant it.
awesome looking weapons would probably be more limited in enchantments.

armor list
armors that protect against such various types of damage,
cape/outer accessory

other stuff

using the storage should be free, cost a monthly fee or a small amount that should be payed every time you access it.
i dislike it when what you pay depends on what kind of item is is and how much of it you are storing.
get gets more costly that way.
it could be like you pay according on how much is in storage or how big you paid your storage to be

Player shops
Multiple page shops
this way, time and energy isn't spent and people can do something else without the game running.
the system of having a search system for cheapest prices and quantity does save time and finding costs easier
but smart players would have to conform to these prices and not find much profit.

i like shops, people could put up stuff for good prices.
they generelly litter the streets sometimes with people standing like statues as the game developers would be too lazy to create a shop model.
some make an area for these shops, some do away with players making their own shops and making the shop system on their own servers.

the change after upgrading changes after certain levels
1-30 grade 1 items are used, stats increased by 5 every upgrade
30-50 grade 2 items are used, stats increased by 10
50-70 grade 3 items are used, stats increased by 15
80-100 grade 4 items are used, stats increased by 20
and so on for every 20 levels
as a lot of games the maximum refine level is 10
at 10, that maximum amount of added power should be at the most double unrefined
perhaps lower level equipment could have like an upgrade of 100 power.
so it doesn't feel there isn't only a small increment at higher levels
and there isn't needs for alot of upgrading at high levels.
high level characters are known for the surplus of funds for upgrading, things like accesories and fashion peices.
high level character shouldn't suffer from grind like killing millions of monsters for a level.

Success of normal items shouldn't be low like 0-50%
it would be understandable if their is a higher chance of making it stronger than normal and other future weapons.
unless the items is rare or powerful, it should use up alot of rare items or alot of random items like hundreds.
unless the cheap items could be purchased from an npc.
crafting should use money as well as that's doesn't make much sense, using mp though, does.
crafting in some games require a manual that would dissapear after use, somethigg that controls rarity but isn't realistic.
some things that could be changed by crafters are
equipment requirements
weapon range
weapon appearance

battle aspects
magical power
physical power
skill or normal attack
number of hits
what bar it depletes to the enemy and player/players (hp, mp, other(sp,ap))
movement of player
a moment of invincibility
disability (frozen in place/unable to move and or attack)
how it cures/restores, drains
how it affects equipment
detctability(color, size)
how the skill moves
how it affects terrain
what it does after the monster is defeated
chance of doing something other
cool down
how long it takes to cast

skill system large skill ystem
stats allocation
str strength, the body, associated with physical attack power, ability to wear equipment, Health Points
dex dexterity, the body, accuracy, movement speed, attack speed, special weapon attack power, dodge
con concentration, the mind, accuracy, long range weapon attack power, attack speed
agi agility, speed of body, movement speed, dodge, accuracy
mnd/int magical attack power, Magical defence, Magic Points
luk/sen drop rate, critical rate
charm monster aggresiveness, npc conversation, rewards, drop rate


I was thinking of how could players understand this game more and perhaps not mess up in the beginning.
so I thought of introducing the basic types of combat and weapons.

I thought this up because of the single bloody stat reset you are given before you are lvl 40.

I think that there should be wooden versions of all the available weapons types.
A wooden wand, staff, knuckles, two handed sword, spear, axe, twin wooden swords, bows, crossbows, guns and launchers. Weapons that need ammo should not use ammo or the player should have a decent weightless supply from creation.

I think it'll be fun for every single weapon type to be given wooden versions.
(the bamboo spear is my favorite weapon)

Each weapon would have the attack power and speed as they normally would, but don't require stats or a lvl.
Maybe you could add a visitor magical attack and an simple attack and defense buff, maybe a simple heal to introduce how magical and supportive classes work.
Hell, maybe an aoe. Though giving all characters the ability to aoe will make getting first hit and somethings easier.
Such skills wouldn't be as useful at the later levels.
This is so new players can get a feel of what class they would like to play.
All these weapons would be on the character from creation.
Perhaps you could make quests to get a wooden mask and backpack.

(I want a wooden backpack)

From lvl 1 to 10, his stats would automatically be changed like attack, defense and hp and he would be given all the stat points he would need at job change or at lvl 10 so players could continue playing as a visitor.
There would be a description of which weapons are used by which classes like

"A toy wooden knuckle that a 2nd class Hawker, the Raider uses to inflict critical attacks with a high attack speed."
"A toy wand that a 2nd class Muse, the Cleric uses to support allies healing and strengthening them.

For stat and skill resets, players should be given unlimited stat and skill resets before lvl 30 because the person may learn how he messed up after going outside of Zant. I'm not sure how this would effect crafting.

I thought or read somewhere more likely of disabling gaining exp so people can farm at a place forever but that may make things difficult for other players that are training or make some things too easy to get, makes prices lower and some people poorer. Plus people would farm kings forever.

Maybe make it so you can lock some stats so you will never accidentally put points into stats you don't want to.

I'd like the ability to change hair styles and color with the use of zullie or rare drops from some mob (not 100+) from an npc instead of it just being cash shop.
Certain hairstyles could be cash shop but not the original ones plus more I hope both to have.
I want more faces too since some are too silly, scary, child like or not cute.

What I would like is 2, at least in the beginning, different weapons for a couple of lvls
like at 10 50 100 150 200
or....10/50 100 200
or just 200 to begin
You would use whatever looks best, but they won't have much of an advantage over each other but I'd like them to be different in stats a bit.
perhaps both would have a small different yet equal bonus like 5 def/dodge/ap/accuracy/speed/critical.
A lv 10 katar has 5 more critical
B lv 10 katar has 5 more damage
C lv 10 katar has 10 more attk speed but is more rare and not sold by npcs
each have the same "bold blue" stats like elven or golden
A, B and C would look different from each other.

I'd like the same to be done with wings, armors and most importantly, masks.
I miss when Masks gave the most useless stat ever, Charm, and it's option gave it it's value, you could wear whatever mask you would want.
lv 70 masks replaces some now and noses are not at all used.
I'd like masks to stand equal as they could be used by someone to make them standout a bit.
Back accessories should be like Masks as well, though you can't really change bags and back shields

I'd like to wear cute black wings instead of astrot wings or gigantic orange wings and still not lose in ability.

I could think about how common/cheap the materials are, how easy and the requirements to make things
But I don't want to now.
I'd have to think about event items too. I don't want them to merely just be about look.

EDIT:Also, I first thought this thread was going to be about different weapons like daggers, whips, or knuckles (the blunt kind not the slash/stab kind)
I would like Raiders to dual weild 2 guns like pirates!
A class that doesn't use weapons but sorta karate/monk like (not with a bloody asura like skill)
and a magical class using a sword!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

i'm lazy.

since i currently have no idea what i'm going to do this summer
i'm currently lazing.
daily 4 are now whenever.
i posted most of my stuff anyway.
stupid waterfall concept
shadows and coloring are a pain.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

drawings 15: water physics attempt


also, something that came to my head when i was typing about cliff waterfalls, controlling the waterfall so it falls in a certain way.
this took a while to draw and it looks sorta cool.
shadows are a bit off though.
this extremely simple to do and it requires simple thinking.
i say this because i don't think i'm not that smart or capable of stuff.
2nd has slightly more realistic physics only if there was glass in the grooves.
water would spill out forward, not just to the sides.
but i don't want to draw outside the cube.

drawings 14: dwarf fortress, fortress designs

I fucking cheated while playing dwarf fortress so these designs are possibly not optimal.
most of you buttheads just do shitty geometric fortress designs anyway (go fall off a cliff!)

work with the fucking terrain, dwarves have the intelligence of how to create their homes in these hard and heavy mountains so they don't fucking force the shit into utter chaos and destruction.
i know them as warrior like, barbaric, brash, un-noble like, honorable, prideful, technicians, mechanics, engineers, war artisans, historians, hard working and possibly importantly, jolly.
so their fucking keeps are fucking organized and stylized like fuck instead of fucking geometric fuckoff fucking unintelligent as fuck designs.
they fucking dedicate their lives to their art.
structures fucking superior to any work of human hand.
such genius work of their include but are not limited to flood gates, bridges, water pumps, wind mills, water wheels, pressure places, elevators, battering rams, explosives.

anyway, one thing i remember i drew long ago, something i think i threw away, is a dark street colored by crayons. it was colorful, dark, and lonely.
anyway, whatever.
fortress design 3, i drew the trade depot area first.
multiple storage rooms around the depot room
i can simply lock doors so only certain things show up in the bring-to-depot screen making selecting what to haul to depot faster.
i drew more up more sections than i did before such as a hospital area and a barracks area.

i never actually tried to make this in dwarf fortress as i mess up in the beginning, just building upon the super simple area i build for my first 7 dwarves.
i also try to build sections of my fortress on multiple floors. 1 floor in between because i feel as if the wall of the first floor and the floor of the second floor is about 1 foot thick in between.
i don't even know how thick it normally is in buildings.
design 2, focus on artsy designs, ponds/river/stream of water lining the entrance, one of those stone man made pond thingies, and a "royal" area. the royal area is to be larger and be more artsy than other rooms and areas.

the first design for a fortress i drew. everything is compressed and flat.
below are cliff waterfall designs, i was gonna carve ditches onto the top of the cliff and the bottom of the cliff and pump water up so they flow into these thingies.
i hate explaining this like crap.
i'm super lazy now.
i'll just list, top to bottom, 2 columns
center waterfall in circular staircase with a hollow center
wall protrusions for center hall
statue organization
circular rooms of awesomeness with halls.
hanging pillars
circular center hall
cliff entrance.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

drawings 13: other stuff

pokemon badges.
 random stuff.
dagger skill concepts for a game job unrelated to ragnarok. character is called drainer which is able to control dimensions cutting open gates with his dagger.

shell like thingie.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

rose online screenshots

sadly, yet happily, these are not "normal" in-game screen-shots which usually focuses on a gay looking character doing something gay. these were taken early in it's beginning.
i'm still busy doing non homework, half assing studying and half doing exams.
i'm such a horrible student.
and i'm a horrible
anyway, i like how much work people put into these things. the modeling and concepts.
not on just characters and battling.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

drawings 12: pokemon fan art and fakemon

i'm busy doing non homework very hardly.
so i'm extremely busy. half doing my homework and studying.
i'm absolutely horrified of the now and the future.
golden magikarp.
porygon X or V or Hex fakemon
part dark or ghost or something.
 just so this exists somewhere

Thursday, May 6, 2010

rpg maker battle characters

battle character sprites i drew for my rpg game i apparently will never finish.
i haven't worked on them for years/a long time so some of them look pretty ugly and or unfinished.
knight twins, main hero, holy maybe mage, 
another female, likely a mage, a male, and a thief looking guy.
also roco is awesome, some of these are her face sets, although i don't know if she cares anymore.

drawings 11: creatures and normal

swamp guardians/beasts that protect the swamp.
fast and strong type.
continent i drew for a rpg game which is still in the beginning stages after years of non work.
lastly, another example of my crappy anatomy
i'm not serious in learning it.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

short simple poems

stuff i wrote long ago that i cared to save.
be prepared for crappiness as i wrote these when i was depressed/lazy/bored in middle and high school.
these are not all one thing and not poems.

the candles low
inside the smallest room
the door slightly open for air
to return the tome
i've never read for years
the room was maroon
like the rest
only in the corner of
my eye a slight movement
stayed this white
line, stared and stared
what is it?
it shown itself
in full white
moon like

form of mind
destruction of desire
complex form to run the body
simple life
be stupid and break the hard ground
to pierce the skin bone.

dirt in nails
seep into heart, mind
eyes blur, mumble deaf
to be alone

the lone earth.

why do women carry large bags?
to carry tiny sweets for their grand children?
to carry feed for pigeons?
to carry raisin cookies for their neighbor?
to hold pictures of their families?
to keep small fish for lunch?
to keep some money for some shoes?
or to hold a second face?
or for the sake of holding something.

etch short meaning on the thin white dry cloud
long blue lines like stairs, black go cross and slash
from the paw, finger twist, erase gray ash
words so small, infinite, could speak so loud

those unspoken gain purity, god sound
turn into pieces when read in a dash
if any the same, deeply, a red gash
make it a person, who needs to be found

unwritten, many, unfinished, the worst
struck with the muse's presence, flows the word
the deepest, where one reaches, most don't find

rhyme, tone, the topic, do the last part first
writing leads to more writing, flew the bird
it will hit the tree, unleashing the mind.

she told me she remembered me.
i copied her answers at school.
we sat next to each other on a bus one time
she helped plan the school dance
she wasn't in much of my classes
we just met again on the subway
i west to a hospital to see my sister
she said she was fine and would be able to go home in a day and didn't need me.
i was going back to my home city
my old classmate said she was going to meet a friend somewhere.

it is far away, where we didn't eat sweet things.
where it wasn't tasteless or bitter.
we wouldn't leave home and my brother would cry.
"shut up."
the water we had to drink was oddly salty.
my older brother would read his books and not talk
my older sister would simply do what my parents said.
everyone felt alone when we were at home.

this was gonna be a story about a village who controlled children
in a weird evil way. but i can't stand how serious i was being.
and i can't handle/create interesting characters. (or i don't know if i can)

and a list of previous things i've written
i'm forbidden from remembering things from long ago as they make me depressed.
the first serious thing i've written is a really crappy poem of darkness and light
and faggy light won. makes me depressed thinking about it.
an unemotional assassin who just killed his brother based on some story i've read

a brother who remembers a time when his uncle brought him and his brother to the beach
when the weather was bad and the water was cold. they would've become really sick from going into the water if one of the brothers didn't break his arm after falling off a tree the brothers first wanted to climb.
now both brothers are adults and the older brother recently died overseas. the younger brother goes to his bed and remembers him eating oreos, eating comics, and listening to his cd player.
the mother is deceased, and the father is still taking care of the younger sister.

these people on an isolated island for some reason think about what they should do.
one despairs and the other builds shelter, builds a fire, and spends the rest of the day trying to catch fish for him and the other
the one who despairs burns down the shelter when the other one wasn't around.
when the other one returns late at night, the shelter is in charred remains
the strong one yells at the weak one and tells the person he wants both of them to live.
and the story ends there.
the story is bittersweet with more bitter.

drawings 10: igpx mechas

based on those racing/fighting robots in igpx, the anime, in mind.
if was a fun anime somewhat.
speed type
specialized type
tank type and balanced type.

my ragnarok job concept drawings

 burst mage
design for burst mage, advanced job for high wizard
i like it a little since it looks somewhat "original".
but the design isn't "ragnaroky" enough.
how would a mage that gets possessed by spirits look like?
a fancy demonic suit probably, but that's the look of all mages in all games.

i thought that maybe a star/sun/light inspired design would be good
opposite from a dark look with dark colors with eye symbols like the original.
wizard, sage, and heretic would have similar designs as they are to look a bit magical.

beast master
super simple/generic design for beast master which doesn't look animal like at all.
it looks more like a animal tamer/trainer with all his pouches and light leather armor look
name might need changing due to some reason.
maybe using a combination of some of these words
animal spirit nature protector master trainer
beast trainer, beast teacher, nature guard, i don't know
i'm being reminded of the the elves that protect the entrance of their village in the deep forest
so guardian or protector would make sense of some sort.

fortune teller and poet
concept for poet and fortune teller. the poet is based on the older version of the clown sprite. i really bloody hate the name clown. fortune teller has more clothes on so she is not as bloody nude.

burden master
advanced class of blacksmith/whitesmith, i currently have named burden master.
the third job mechanic is a different type of job that creates and fixes machines, not weapons.
burden master is also different as it's a class of plain strength, not a creator.
he knows wrestling moves, fist and stomp attacks, and makes  use of hammers instead of axes.
he makes use of large metal and stone objects that he creates and he is able create walls, throw things on characters, and slow down characters by making them overweight, supposedly putting something in their inventory or giving it as a plain debuff.
something i thought up for this is that  they would gain a skill once they have this item in their inventory/equipped that would enable them to get rid of it.
he is currently very generic in black smithy appearance, supposedly he should look more like a wrestler or a weight lifter.

concept for heretic which is the advanced/alternate job of biochemist/creator
it's a simple design.
he has small green glass vials embed in his suit close to his neck.
he uses staffs, maces, swords, axes, daggers.
he can transform parts of himself into parts of various monsters.
like a dragon arm and the head of an apocalypse.
to transform, he consumes a special potion.
he can only transform one part of himself at a time though there is a transformation that turns him completely into a certain monster. baphomet maybe.
he then uses another potion to transform back. he takes damage after he drinks this potion.
he has the ability to fuse weapons and armors to character's bodies and arms and lower the stats of characters. he can also melt the ground temporarily slowing/halt character movement.
idea concepts taken from mr. jakel and mr. hyde, and full metal alchemist, the melting ground part anyway.

insect assassin
my first and simple concept for insect assassin which isn't the final name but i haven't come up with anything awesome enough. wearing light and flexible stuff allowing for movement and a poison mask if he or other characters spew poison gas. weapon would be classified differently from normal katars as they are specially designed to look like insect parts enabling special skills.
the guild would be deep in an insect hive.
my second attempt to create a suitable insect assassin design.
one looks futuristic, another organic, and the last one fancy with one small ass head.
i like the organic design the most.

crime lord
concept for crime lord which is my made up job after stalker/alternative for it in ragnarok online.
has the ability to use guns, whips, and axes.
in my mind they are supposed to look more fancy as well as deadly. so i magically came up with thorns and vines.
i want him to be a rank higher than assassins as they are like, in their gay ass shadow.
i hate assassins.
more work is to be done on this design.

element creator, heretic, burst mage
concept for element creator, heretic, and burst mage. i like these designs more since they look more original. it's extremely hard to come up with an original mage, knight, and blacksmith design.
this heretic design is more beast like in design allowing for freer (adjective or something for free) movement allowing transformation and instances of close combat.

soul keeper
ragnarok job concept, soul keeper, i know of the soul collector but this isn't based on that.
maybe it is but i don't remember.
this character finds souls and releases them from monsters, people and other things.
somewhat anti priest like.
i came up with the idea they can't work with priests as they can't be healed or buffed by them and can't be in the same party. they use dark magic skills, some elemental skills, and skills identical to assassins.
they also use spirits similar to monks and champions.
i somewhat want them to be the anti-monk.
i really hate the monk concept.
but hell i don't know how ragnarok is really played.

i like the currently concept for soul keeper that i made up. though it's simple, it looks like something dark and deadly. though the class isn't "evil".

Monday, May 3, 2010

drawings 9: fan art

luigi. i drew mario but i sucked at him.
peach. the only decent things i drew from that thing somewhere.
property of nintendo. i have no clue.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

drawings 8: designs and fan art

i can't stand to watch people do embarrassing things on television, it makes me cringe, it horrifies me.
i'm fine with most everything else except where characters are killed mindlessly and stupidly. not south park though, i love south park, i mean those stupid horror murderer movies with no substance and depth
design for male characters.

female form
concept pieces for a game based on chess.
agile/dexterous type which is the thin one. uses a rapier/light sharp sword, thin lance, and a long bow. bishop.
heavy/tank type which is the thick one, uses a giant sword, giant axe, and a giant hammer. rook.
flexible/versatile type which is the average looking one, uses a crossbow, spike pole, and broad sword. knight.
they move in a chess like environment and have a certain set of life points.
they have all have different attack styles and defense styles such as dodging and resist.
another fan made arrancar with a gigantic chest hole. his hollow form has more, larger mouths.
Looks really really ugly but I like concepts.
ed, edd, and eddy drawn in a different way